Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Tinnitus (ringing in your ears)!

Tinnitus is the perception of a sound that has no external source. Some of the more common sounds reported are: ringing, humming, buzzing, and cricket-like. It can be constant or intermittent and is heard in one ear, both ears or in the head. Tinnitus can originate in the middle ear (behind the eardrum) or in the sensorineural auditory system.

The most common causes of tinnitus are:

  • A natural part of the aging process
  • Head injury (e.g. from a car accident or fall)
Impact and treatment of tinnitus will be discussed in next blogs! You can contact me at 218-454-(EARS)3277 for a consultation.

Have a great day!

Dr. Sarah Nelson

Monday, May 13, 2013

Doctor of Audiology and a hearing aid dealer

What’s the difference between a Doctor of Audiology and a hearing aid dealer?

Hearing aid dealers or dispensers are licensed by a state or provincial board. Their range of studies includes audiogram (hearing test) interpretation, prescribing appropriate hearing aids and a complete understanding of how hearing aids function. Their training focuses solely on audiometric testing and hearing aid fitting.  

Audiologists have either a master's or doctorate degree in audiology. Audiologists who sell hearing aids must also be licensed by the state or province they practice in.

Audiologists have a greater knowledge of human hearing and balance than other hearing professionals. They study the intricate designs and workings of the entire human ear and the physics of sound and hearing. Audiologists don’t perform ear surgery or prescribe treatment for diseases of the ear.

Please call for a consultation, 218-454-EARS (3277).

Have a great day!

Dr. Sarah Nelson

Friday, May 3, 2013

MYTH: Your hearing loss cannot be helped.

FACT: This might have been true many years ago, but with modern advances in technology, nearly 95% of people with a sensorineural hearing loss can be helped with hearing aids.

There are many MYTHS out there.  Talk to a professional about the FACTS.

Call for a consultation today.  218-454-EARS (3277).  

Happy Mothers Day!

Dr. Sarah Nelson