Excessive noise exposure damages the delicate hair cells in the inner ear, not dissimilar to the accelerated "wear and tear" on the ear. This damage often results in permanent, sensorineural hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing of the ears). Hazardous noise exposures can occur on the job, but also in common recreational activities.
- Beware of recreational sources of hazardous noise like music concerts, dance clubs, mp3 players, NASCAR, sporting events, firearms, firecrackers, power tools, motorcycles, motorboats, snowmobiles, powerboats, and "boom cars".
- The risk for hearing loss due to
exposure to noise is especially high among factory and heavy industry workers,
transportation workers, military personnel, construction workers, miners, farmers,
firefighters, police officers, musicians, and entertainment industry
If you have to raise your voice to
shout over the noise to be heard by someone within an arm’s length, that
noise could be a serious risk to your hearing.
To read more, click this link....http://www.betterhearing.org/hearing_loss_prevention/Dr. Sarah Nelson